3D Prints, Projects

Saturn V Rocket Lamp

We are so proud of our nephew Ethan for graduating high school! I 3D printed this customized Saturn V rocket lamp to commemorate both his 2020 graduation and 18th birthday! Blast off to new heights buddy!

This is the longest project I’ve 3D printed to-date. Luckily I found a great Saturn V 3D model on Thingiverse, which included the STL files for the snapfit rocket, hollow exhaust, base stand, and LED holder. I scaled the files down to 75% to fit on my Ender 3 Pro. I printed them all with PLA and 20% cubic infill. The 4 part snap-fit rocket I printed at the highest resolution (0.12mm), which took ~17.5 hrs and 54g PLA. The remaining parts I printed at 0.2mm resolution. I utilized SUNLU silver PLA for the base (117g), which took ~14.5 hrs. I utilized eSun white PLA for all the other parts. The exhaust took 16 hrs and 87g PLA. The LED holder only took 2.5 hrs and 21g PLA.

I utilized Tinkercad to add the custom wording on the stand.

Scott had some color-changing LED lights, which we wrapped around the LED holder that we stuck inside the hollow exhaust. Be sure to put the lights through the hole in the base stand before you attach them to the LED holder.

I hand painted the rocket with acrylic paints, and utilized my Cricut Maker to cut out vinyl decals for the flags, USA, and United States rocket emblems. The United States letters were so small and barely printed on the Cricut. I had to stick on each letter individually!

Here are some more great photos Scott took!

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  • Reply Kass October 12, 2020 at 3:09 pm

    Hello I need your help. This is my first time using something like an arduino i do not know what to put in the code and how to make the wiring can you help me ? Thanks

    • Reply Sarah Perdue October 14, 2020 at 11:55 pm

      I just utilized LED strip lights (there are lots of these available online at places like Amazon). I didn’t code or wire anything.

  • Reply OÄźulberk Karabacak May 21, 2021 at 3:45 pm

    Hello, I have to ask you something about painting. How did you paint it black without overflowing? All the paint spread in layers when I tried it. Thank you:)

    • Reply Sarah Perdue June 1, 2021 at 12:19 am

      I used acrylic paint and didn’t haven’t any issues with the paint overflowing or spreading.

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