The Mount Sunday Track was my favorite hike on our New Zealand trip. Mt Sunday is the LOTR filming location for Edoras, the capital of Rohan. The set has been removed, but there are many distinguishable spots, including the Eowyn lookout from the Golden Hall. It was incredibly windy, which made for gorgeous pictures with my dress and hair catching in the gusts.
Mt Potts Lodge
The drive to Mt Sunday was very scenic driving through the Southern Alps. It was very remote with only one option for lodging nearby – Mt Potts Lodge. The owner was very friendly, and we enjoyed a nice fish and chips dinner at the hotel’s Lodge Restaurant.
Mount Sunday Track
The Mount Sunday Track was an easy 2.2 mile out-and-back hike with the most gorgeous views of Mt Sunday and the surrounding Southern Alps. Mt Sunday is a low rounded hill shaped by a glacier with beautiful views of it along the hike. Since we visited in NZ summer, the Alps didn’t have their typical snow cap that is prevalent in LOTR. There are a couple of bridges, including the recently built Mt Sunday Swing Bridge. Previous hikers had to wade through the water. There were few other hikers so we had the place pretty much to ourselves.
Eowyn Lookout from Golden Hall
There were several LOTR filming spots along the hike with the most notable being Eowyn gazing from the Golden Hall towards the mountains in welcome of Aragorn and company (location: 43°32’52.8″S 170°53’34.1″E). I could not resist bringing a dress with me to recreate this iconic shot.
Helm’s Deep
The site for Helm’s Deep can been seen in the distance. We got some decent pictures with the drone, but it was too windy to get close enough for the exact LOTR film angles.
Riders of Rohan! What news from the mark?
Scott had fun with this Rohirrim reenactment at the top of Mount Sunday.
Other LOTR Film Locations:
Other LOTR filming spots along the hike included:
- Escape from Edoras: During the escape of the Rohirrim refugees to Helm’s Deep, King Théoden looks back at Edoras for the last time. (location: 43°32’42.2″S 170°54’02.0″E)
- Theoden crying: Theoden tears up at his son Theodred’s tomb (location: 43°32’56.9″S 170°53’42.4″E)
- Edoras burial mounds: Simbelmynë flowers cover the mounds in LOTR (no flowers on the hike but backdrop is distinguishable)
- Gandalf spots fleeing children: Fleeing Éothain and Freda arrive at Edoras on horseback (location: 43°32’58.2″S 170°53’42.4″E)
- Rohirrim ride out of Edoras: Riders of Rohan leave Edoras on horseback
- Beacons are lit: Aragorn exclaims “The Beacons of Minas Tirith! The Beacons are lit! Gondor calls for aid.” (location: 43°32’52.6″S 170°53’33.9″E)
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